Official logos for Japan Civil Society Platform on 2016 G7 Ise-Shima Summit
Our Partners
Policy Recommendations from the Japan Civil Society Platform Member Organizations
Policy Recommendations from the Japan Civil Society Platform Member Organizations
Note: These policy recommendations do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Japan Civil Society Platform on the 2016 G7 Summit as a whole.
【ビジネスと人権】 Business and Human Rights
■CSO Network Japan, Save the Children Japan, Business and Human Rights Resource Centre, World Vision Japan
【気候変動】 Climate Change
【保健】 Global Health
■G7サミット保健NGOネットワーク (GII/IDIに関する外務省・NGO懇談会)
■G7 Network of Health-related NGOs in Japan
■G7サミット保健NGOネットワーク (GII/IDIに関する外務省・NGO懇談会)
■G7 Network of Health-related NGOs in Japan (Japan CSO Network on Global Health)
【シリア和平】 Peace in Syria
【教育】 Education
【女性の権利】 Women' Rights
【核兵器廃絶】 Abolition of Nuclear Weapons
4.サミットに関する日本政府・地方自治体の情報 Central and Local Governments in Japan
5/20(金)-21(土) 仙台市:財務大臣・中央銀行総裁会議、財務省
5/26(木)-27(金) 伊勢志摩:G7伊勢志摩サミット
9/24(土)-25(日) 軽井沢町:交通大臣会合、国土交通省、軽井沢町、長野県推進協議会facebookページ
・Schedules of Ministerial Meetings
10-11 April, Hiroshima City, Foreign Ministers' Meeting
23-24 April, Niigata City, Agriculture Ministers Meeting
29-30 April, Takamatsu City, ICT Ministers’ Meeting
1-2 May, Kitakyushu City, Energy Ministers' Meeting
14-15 May, Kurashiki City, Education Ministers' Meeting
15-16 May, Toyama City, Environmental Ministers' Meeting
15-17 May, Tsukuba City, Science and Technology Ministers' Meeting
20-21 May, Sendai City, Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors’ Meeting
26-27 May, Ise-Shima, G7 Summit 2016
11-12 September, Kobe City, Health Ministers' Meeting
24-25 September, Karuizawa Town, Transport Ministers' Meeting、Transport Ministers' Meeting facebook
■2008 Japan G8 Summit NGO Forum
2008 Japan G8 Summit NGO Forum was established to advocate for the G8 Summit in Hokkaido, Japan, with the membership of 141 organizations. Since its founding on January 1, 2007, NGO/NPOs working on global agendas--headed by poverty & development, environment, and human rights & peace--jointly launched advocacy and campaigning.
Please download from below the Forum's action report.
■2008 Japan G8 Summit NGO Forum
2008 Japan G8 Summit NGO Forum was established to advocate for the G8 Summit in Hokkaido, Japan, with the membership of 141 organizations. Since its founding on January 1, 2007, NGO/NPOs working on global agendas--headed by poverty & development, environment, and human rights & peace--jointly launched advocacy and campaigning.
Please download from below the Forum's action report.
(Masako Hoshino, the chair of 2008 Japan G8 Summit NGO Forum,
explaining the campaign "The Tanzaku Action - One Million Wishes"
at the public event "Challenge the G8 Summit" held in Sapporo, Hokkaido)
(The Alternative Summit "People’s Summit 2008" was held in Sapporo, Hokkaido in July 2008)
■(特活)アフリカ日本協議会 / (特活)エイズ&ソサエティ研究会議
・サバイバル・キット『国際保健とG8 2008年G8洞爺湖サミット・プロセスにおける市民社会の経験から』
・サバイバル・キット『国際保健とG8 2008年G8洞爺湖サミット・プロセスにおける市民社会の経験から』
ウェブサイトおよび以下から ダウンロード可能です。
■Africa Japan Forum and Project RING
How did the Japanese NGOs work the advocacy and campagining on the global health agendas, and what did they achieve? The "G8 Survival Kit" summarises their strategies and outcomes, for NGO/NPOs to refer to during the future Summits and relevant opportunities.